My son just turned 7, and he is beginning to read simple story books on his own. This is a book that I have been reading to him, because it is geared for 4-8th graders. The subject matter, though, is right up our alley.
The premise is that the evil super-villan Vordak has written a book to help his snivelling readers aspire to greatness as evil rulers of the world. Each chapter helps the reader understand the importance of selecting a dastardly name, choosing minions and henchmen, building a secret evil lair...well, you get the picture.
There are a total of 3 books in this series including Rule the School and Double Trouble.
The writing is very funny, and we are enjoying it. There are many "big words" in this book like "villany" and "incomprehensible" and "dastardly." That is why it is for older readers, but we are doing fine with me reading it to him and then explaining some of the words.
You can even check out the the Vordak website which includes Vordak's blog, information about books, and activities/games.
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